Zach Grammon

Developer / Teacher

App Academy Open - v1 vs v2

AAO v2 Launch

In April of 2022, App Academy released version 2 of their App Academy Open curriculum. While the older version parallels their Ruby-on-Rails, 16-week campus software engineering program, this new version parallels their JS and Python 24-week online software engineering program.

My AAO Experience

I began working on AAO v1 at the start of January 2022 and continued until mid-May. Then, once I reached a good transition point at the end of the “Ruby” section, I switched to v2. I worked on v2 for the rest of May and June and completed through “Data Structures & Algorithms”. Both of these stopping points are roughly the end of what I would consider each curriculum’s “fundamentals of programming”, after which the curriculum shifts more in to frameworks. I estimate that I’ve completed about 3-400 hours of fundamentals curriculum between the two of them.

Here are some observations I’ve made, and some general criticisms I’ve seen from other learners, regarding both AAO v1 and v2.

Languages & Frameworks

Just to get it out the way, the most obvious differences between v1 and v2 are the languages and frameworks.

Version 1 teaches these languages/frameworks:

  1. Ruby
  2. SQL/PostgreSQL
  3. Ruby on Rails
  4. Front-end JavaScript
  5. React/Redux
  6. MERN

And version 2 teaches these languages/frameworks:

  1. JavaScript
  3. Front-End JS
  4. Express
  5. SQL/SQLite3
  6. Sequelize
  7. React/Redux
  8. Python
  9. Flask

It is worth noting here that AAO v2 is mostly a full-stack JS curriculum, with Python/Flask coverage after spending the majority of your time in JS. While v1 does cover full-stack Ruby-on-Rails (so using the V of MVC to render views in the browser), around the 50% mark it switches to using JS & React for the front-end and Rails for the backend.

Overall Strengths of v1 (Ruby/Rails) Curriculum

Common Criticisms of v1 (Ruby/Rails) Curriculum

Overall Strengths of v2 (JavaScript/Python) Curriculum

Common Criticisms of v2 (JavaScript/Python) Curriculum

My Conclusions

I’ve personally enjoyed my time in AAO v1 more than AAO v2. I think it is the combination of the personalities in v1, the intense focus on fundamentals, and the chance to peek behind the curtains when building our own “lite” versions of things. In all fairness, v1 has had a lot of polishing over the years. v2 has a lot of potential. It continues to improve with the AAO team working behind the scenes. And there is no way to get around it, AAO v1 is getting long in the tooth. I’m hopeful for the future of App Academy Open, and even with all its flaws, I’ve yet to come across an equivalent resource that is freely available.

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